Creative Minds is a cloud services/ web and mobile application development company. For new project inquiries, or to discuss your strategy, please provide some information about your project in the message field. We also welcome inquiries and questions about our services. Please fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.


Creative Minds provides cloud services such as cloud migration, cloud security, GCP, deployment automation, AWS architecture, infrastructure management, application modernization, containerization, DevOps consulting, mobile and web application development, and many more.

Our team is made up of cross-functional certified DevOps engineers, Product, UX/UI, Software development, and cloud developers to ensure your cloud applications follow all the best practices of cloud-based development. We operate a user-centric approach to product innovation and software development by completely understanding the business needs before building anything.

The cloud refers to platforms provided as a service and controlled through a web or command-line interface that offer an array of computing, storage, and other services at low cost and nearly instantly from anywhere in the world.

Only cloud computing lets you scale the infrastructure of your web applications at a fraction of the cost as compared to upgrading an on-premise system.

Yes, and here is why. One of the most important advantages of storing your data in the cloud is that it’s not just backed up once, but multiple times. Another thing that makes cloud storage security is that cloud networks are under near-constant surveillance. All data stored in the cloud are encrypted and this means that no one, not even your cloud storage provider, can decrypt your files and access their contents.

It is a process through which businesses shift their data, applications, and servers to a cloud-based provider. It could also mean a business migrating from one cloud-based provider to another provider.

The four types of cloud migration are called lift and shift, shift to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), application refactoring, and re-platforming.

Clouds can be public or private, though public clouds are more commonly associated with cloud computing. Public cloud platforms, such as AWS and Microsoft Azure, pool resources in data centers often distributed around the globe, and users access them via the internet. Private clouds are walled-off environments hosted in a corporate data center or a colocation facility.

Cloud computing lowers IT operational costs because the cloud provider manages the underlying infrastructure, including hardware and software.

Public clouds charge on a per-use basis, so costs will vary based on multiple variables, including the size of your environment, the provider, the region you operate in, the amount of data movement, and the number of higher-level services consumed.